Saturday, September 1, 2012

I have been Chosen, but I am not frozen

It was the Lord's will and DESIRE
that through his son's death
 My soul he would AQUIRE

I was dead, blind, deaf
Yet his spirit in me INSPIRE
to quicken such wretched corpse
fill me with HIS consuming FIRE

I have been chosen,
but i am not frozen
I have been predestined,
to be incandescent

 So that you may INQUIRE
My, what occured?,
My, what transpired
that a frozen heart
would burst AFIRE

Perhaps you may want it
perhaps you may DESIRE
to be filled, to be indwelt
 with his consuming FIRE

Now you must realize 
God's holy justice
what it would REQUIRE
To apeace the wrath
of a consuming FIRE

What must take place
that it must transpire
a transaction of your heart of stone
exchanged for a heart of flesh

Then God would inspire you the breath of life.
 It is not easy and you must trust
for God to break softly that unruly stony crust

Do you not desire?
 Oh poor wretched sinner
To sing in the his holy choir?
to praise his holy  name 
 behold his glory and him admire?

Belive then in the God who turns cold hearts
Into live coals in flames, incandescent fire.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What is the Chief end of man? (Essay submitted to Moody)

The ultimate purpose of my existence as well as the existence of every human being is to kneel before God in complete surrender of His majesty, and glorify Him in eternal bliss. I was made by Him, through Him and for Him and to Him I will give glory and not to my self. Consequently anything and everything I do, may it be my thoughts, words or actions It will all be for His glory. For there is nothing or any body on earth I desire besides Jesus Christ. He is Lord and God. He is my Lord and My God. The rock of my heart, the rock of my salvation and my portion for ever.

I have come to realize who Jesus Christ is and who I am compared to Him. I no longer desire to impress anybody about the hardships or afflictions of my humble beginnings.
It is Christ who I want people to focus on. If I was born in a country that is poor and I was, then it was because He willed it so. If I went through afflictions and sufferings which I thought were unjust and I did, He went through worse to sustain me in His victory and grace.
If once I was a dead orphan and now I am a son of the Living God, its because He paid the price so that I would be His. From Him, through Him and For Him, are all things to HIM be the Glory!

And what should my response be?. Nothing else but to proclaim the glory of the Son of God even when I eat and drink. For once  I starved  and I went to Him and was never hungry . I believed and I will never thirst again. My response should be to speak of His love manifested on the cross in the flesh for our Salvation. Hands and feet that practice what I preach. A heart and mind that finds no satisfaction other than in the Living God.

Today intercedes before the throne of grace a priest who paid fully for my sin, and purchased me with the shedding of His own blood. Whom have I in heaven but HIM. And here on earth I can not and will never desire anything besides His omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent eternal deity. For my body is finite but in Him I’ll live for ever. My heart is weak but  He is the unmovable rock of my heart. The rock of my salvation. For this world has food that numbs my hunger temporarily, and water that does not quench my thirst. But He is the bread that came down from heaven and His water has become in me a spring of eternal life. He is my portion for ever.

What does the future hold?, What role will i play in glorifying God?. Only the Lord knows, and I am content because I do know one thing. He knows better than I. I also know that the Lord seeks to glorify His name. He has and will continue to do so. Making sure that His name is honored accordingly. For He will not disown himself, even if we are faithless. I seek the counsel of the wise in order to Glorifyand make known the name above all names. Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday I knew a sky of scorching heat
while sofocating I was without heart beat
Yesterday I was a man without a country
Whose land despised and spit me out
and I wandered and ventured to knew horizons
Today I am a citizen of Heaven

Yesterday I thought i was free
while all along I was in chains
Now I am free indeed
Now I yearn to be a saint in prison
for the sake of Your name

Yesterday I wrote a sad song that only ached
the hearts and ears of he who heard
Today I write songs of joy and praise 
May they bring delight to the seed of eve

Yester day I fled in fear of His contenance
Now I can not turn away.
There are no eyes like His
I know because I walked the lands of His world
I came from the scorching heat to the frozen soil
and there were not other eyes like HIS

I ask the heavens 
this only one desire
that in His eyes i may dwell
I have walked the lands of this world
and this one thing I've come to say

I came from the heat to the cold lands
I walked from the south to the north
and I did not find eyes like that of my maker

I walked the red coals and now I slip on the white grounds
I did not find eyes like yours

Yesterday i saw you,  daugter of eve 
under the cool shade of our God
Well in the rest of our maker.
Peaceful and safe in his love. 

This I come to say
I come from the heat and You are from the soils with frost
I found the owner of both lands
He called me here to find his rest. 
He called me here to melt the icy hearts of the indwellers
He called me here to rest in the coolness of His shade

Lets conquer both lands my icy maiden
For the Glory of HIS Name
Lets bring the heat of his LOVE to cold hearts
Lets bring the Coolness of his Rest to the
Sofocating  beatless hearts. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I am a young man,  but I am wise for I have been through hardships and come from humble beginnings. I will listen to you and will not judge. I will love you when you least deserve it for thats when you will most need it. I will forgive and not just passively ignore. I will lead you to great places and slay the dragons of this time. I will be hones and truthful. I will protect you, I will care for you, With me your cup will never be empty. This is what I look for. Someone who will walk with me as we take over this world for the sake of truth. For we live in truthless times, and I have timeless truths. 
Who I am and What I have logistically? 
I am a son of the Living God and a follower of Jesus Christ. here is my first truth. Which I will not hide for I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of salvation for those who believe. 
I have a takeover plan. To further the armies of my God to the nations of the world. 
I have a realization and calling and here it is. 

I have been invited to the greatest adventure of all times Deep in the blackest darkness there is someone 
who disguises as a being of light. 
Who twists reality and truth. Who steals praise he is not worthy of. 
Using attributes meant for good to do evil and horrible deeds. 
He comands armies of beings who follow his wicked ways. 
To destroy and kill. To deceive and to cause pain. 
He brought death and sorrow to paradise. 
There is a war being fought 
The casualties are horrifying. But this war has alrady been won. 
He hides in pain and coward fear. For his time is near. 
His creator came to his kingdom. And was killed by the darkone 
But death could not hold him. 
For when he killed the author of life. He was doing something more 
The deceiver got deceived 
With truth. 
And now his kingdom is but a dying beast. 
A worthless beast who dared to do the unthinkable 
To demand worship from His creator 
But he caused a fire in him and consumed him in ashes 
made a spectacle of him. 
That creator advances The Kingdom 
A mighty army advances in the mist of the cowards armies 
To save those who he chose for His Glory 
Because when it comes to his sons and daughters 
No one is left behind. 
I was rescued and brought to His love and Care 
I was taken care of 
I was healed from my wounds 
I was fed and quenched. 
I was loved and strenghthened. 
And now I have been called to the battle 
I have been armed with the deadliest weapon 
His all mighty word. His double edged sword 
With shoes of glad tiddings 
to step in the deep darkness, and bring my brothers and sisters 
to His awesome prescence. 
I am not alone. I go to his vessel in the south 
Where the sun burns hot, and yet it does not warm 
I know I will take hits 
and be wounded. I will be challenged and threatened 
For the dark one knows my dark secrets. 
But I care no more. 
For even if my brothers are not gracious 
My Father will. 
I will be going to places where the banners of darkness stand high 
But I will not fear 
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death. 
For the Lord is my shepperd. 
I go because my Father loves his children 
and what sort of brother would I be to not go and rescue them 
I await patiently and yet eager to serve. 
To take the ground and reclaim it for My Father 
to advance His Banner and proclaim to the heavens 
This Land belongs to the King of Kings and LORD of Lords. 
I have been invited to the greates adventure of all times 
I will fight, and I will be wounded. 
But I am willing to be wounded 
Because He was wounded for me 
and by His wounds we are Healed. 

 I have been called to do great things for God. For our Creator is all powerful and He will make sure that His name is honored accordingly. I stand ready to go and subdue the earth for Jesus Christ and make disciples of all the nations. I stand solid on my call. and I am ready to go. Come with me. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

You have come from there

You have come walking
unaware of your destiny
idolatrous dreams
where you are a deity

You keep walking
on old lands
calling upon powers
that you will never understand

You come from there
where the sun does not rise
where there is no warmth
where blood was never
sacrificed for the sake of love
but here is not so

You have come
ignoring sacred truths
stepping on temples
spitting on love's face

ever lasting lives await
to those who have believed
an eternal soul
and glorified bodies
God's temple

You come from there
where the sun does not rise
where there is no warmth
where blood was never shed
for the sake of love.
But here is not like this.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pyrolingua: Poor Miserable writer

Once upon a time there was a man who wished to change the world. He would observe around him and see things other people seemed to miss. His heart would overwhelm with desperation and sorrow by the apparent ignorance or complacency. As he shared with the few who would hear they would explain to him that everybody goes through the same feelings when they are young. That as a mere phase it would pass and he would be content. That life was just about living for the sake of living or surviving. Time seem to take for ever and the world instead of getting better it would get worse. He thought, I will change the world by the written word. I will show the world that it is sick. So he went to work in studying the condition of the world. The condition of the hearts of man. He sought the wisdom of the old and wise. His heart was thirsty for understanding. He drank all he could but something happened. He got stomach sick. The Old seemed to have wisdom but it was not truth. Pessimistic sayings and riddles he merely found. So he went to work again. This time he only bothered only in trying to put on words a description of what he saw. Of What he felt. So he wrote and wrote without ceasing. Describing a world that was unhealthy. He described in many ways and forms what he thought was a great master piece of literature. He had finally materialized his longing on paper and was ready to show the world. Unfortunately to his detriment the world did not pay him attention. His school did not listen, his peers nodded and kept on their affairs as usual. The poor writer could not understand. To the world he was a mere boy who did not know anything. To his family who was he to school them on the lessons of life in which the were experienced connoisseurs. He encountered a problem. He had to earn their respect. But to earn their respect it seem as if they wished him to make all the mistakes possible in order to be accepted in their world of chaos. Poor writer tried to make himself heard but the world was consciously giving him a deaf ear. He went back to work and study. One day he came to a horrible realization. His master piece was not a master piece after all. It was merely a description of a rotting wound but not a cure. He had merely described to the world its symptoms but had not provided nor discovered a cure.
The poor writer came to realize something even more horrid. He had described a wound and poked it. That is why the world had hurt him. He was poking the sick beast. But he was hurting as well. Which it meant that he was part of the wound, he was sick as well. He was not healthy nor above the rest. How can a sick person heal the world. He cried in pain.He cried because he realized that the sole motive for his diligent work was pride. He wanted to be seen and noticed as the one who had saved the world. It was not love from which this desire sprung but pride to make his name known and remembered. Hid was disgusted in himself. So He broke his pens and threw his papers. After much pain and sorrow he got up and sought. He who was healthy, maybe he'd have the cure. But the healthy came to him first. He who sought him let him know that the world is not sick but dead. It is a rotting corpse and that is decaying as the time passes by. As he listened to his healer he realized he had not just been healed but had been risen from the dead. A great joy came over him. He had not just found the cure but the healer. The truth he had been seeking. So he went back to the world and share his great discovery. Poor writer did not expect that he would be ignored even more now. For when he came back he was not part of it anymore but he was to the world what the world really was and couldn't see. He was the stench of death. He tried and failed. The wold didn't just not want to hear him but now they hated him. Just as they hated His healer. How could they reject someone so great and beautiful. Someone who had died for them. His Healer became HIs LORD, his love, his brother, and Father. His life within him. He grew in the knowledge of Him and came to know Him. To love him.
One day that His Lord revealed to him through His written word that he had been destined to be brought to life. Before the creation of the world he had been predestined to be God's son. The seed of Eve and and not the brood of the viper. That just as he had been destined also other had. His brothers and sister to be called to life. And he would be part of such calling. That His Lord would not just change the world but make a new world. And he would be part of that adventure. The writer dropped his pen and paper. Just as the burden was lifted from his shoulders. It was not his burden to change it. Nor to heal it. It was not his burden to write words that would heal the nation. For all has been written. His job would be to take His Lord's Word and News of Salvation to the chosen ones

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I have been invited to the Greates Adventure of all Times

Deep in the blackest darkness there is someone
who disguises as a being of light.
Who twists reality and truth. Who steals praise he is not worthy of.
Using attributes meant for good to do evil and horrible deeds.
He comands armies of beings who follow his wicked ways.
To destroy and kill. To deceive and to cause pain.
He brought death and sorrow to paradise.
There is a war being fought
The casualties are horrifying. But this war has alrady been won.
He hides in pain and coward fear. For his time is near.
His creator came to his kingdom. And was killed by the darkone
But death could not hold him.
For when he killed the author of life. He was doing something more
The deceiver got deceived
With truth.
And now his kingdom is but a dying beast.
A worthless beast who dared to do the unthinkable
To demand worship from His creator
But he caused a fire in him and consumed him in ashes
made a spectacle of him.
That creator advances The Kingdom
A mighty army advances in the mist of the cowards armies
To save those who he chose for His Glory
Because when it comes to his sons and daughters
No one is left behind.
I was rescued and brought to His love and Care
I was taken care of
I was healed from my wounds
I was fed and quenched.
I was loved and strenghthened.
And now I have been called to the battle
I have been armed with the deadliest weapon
His all mighty word. His double edged sword
With shoes of glad tiddings
to step in the deep darkness, and bring my brothers and sisters
to His awesome prescence.
I am not alone. I go to his vessel in the south
Where the sun burns hot, and yet it does not warm
I know I will take hits
and be wounded. I will be challenged and threatened
For the dark one knows my dark secrets.
But I care no more.
For even if my brothers are not gracious
My Father will.
I will be going to places where the banners of darkness stand high
But I will not fear
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death.
For the Lord is my shepperd.
I go because my Father loves his children
and what sort of brother would I be to not go and rescue them
I await patiently and yet eager to serve.
To take the ground and reclaim it for My Father
to advance His Banner and proclaim to the heavens
This Land belongs to the King of Kings and LORD of Lords.
I have been invited to the greates adventure of all times
I will fight, and I will be wounded.
But I am willing to be wounded
Because He was wounded for me
and by His wound we are Healed.